
Joyce Lim

Certified Financial Planner

Simply Empowering Enterprise

I was ‘lost’ when I met Elango Thiyagu in his Cybernatic Program in 2008. Facing a crossroad in my career while on a verge of being seriously in debts, his patience and confidence in my ability helps to build my battered confidence again. Under his guidance and encouragement, I am able to identify what I am good at. Starting with my heart’s whispering to conduct classes for individuals to learn to manage their own finances, it went on to writing articles, which was published in a well-known personal money management magazine and providing accounting services to business owners. He continuously guides me to keep on adding value to what I do. In my heart, I believe, it is all because of the awareness that Elango T. created in me to believe in one’s abilities, set proper goals and take action to achieve it. I highly recommend Elango’s workshops as I’m on way to living the life that I want through the practice of what I learned and I would like others to enjoy that too.


 Picture10Edward Boey
Founder Newwave Synchronizer

Simple and Functional Website Solutions Provider

Elango Thiyagu’s workshop that I attended in 2008 has kick started me to begin my journey to discover what I truly want to do in this life. The journey is not a smooth ride. Failures were encountered along the way but it has helped me to gain the experience to handle future projects. Through the practice of goal setting, I am on my way to achieve my goals and Elango T. has guided me to follow my heart every step of the way. His advice and encouragement has enabled me to deal with the obstacles(which are actually lessons in disguise) and enjoy the journey along the way. I encourage everyone to join in and experience the workshop and practice what is being shared as it is truly a best application to our day-to-day life.

Picture11Suresh Thanakodi
Social Media Expert and LIFE Learner

Trials and turbulence in life was much easier to handle after I met Mr Elango Thiyagu and experienced his workshops and guidance.  Now I see life as a gift to be unwrapped with love and ‘doing the right thing’ is the right thing to do as my relationships with myself, my parents and others around me improves.   Through him I also realise my own abundance in terms of wealth.  There is no other measure except my own. Ultimately, it is about following your heart and that is what Mr Elango does. Helping me to listen to my heart and appreciate the amazing gifts of life lessons that it taught and is still teaching me.   I am eternally grateful to Mr Elango and the varied personalities I encounter along life’s journey, especially the 2 lovely ladies who introduced me to him because through him, his workshops, his wisdom and guidance, I am achieving my goals one by one while enjoying what life has to offer and beyond.

 Picture12Genkeswaran, Founder, Chess Master
Chess Master and 2013 Pre-Sea Games Gold Medalist

“I love chess. My passion for this game is so deep that if it’s taken away from me, I am a nobody!”  Chess Master started out about six years ago with a very simple mission to create awareness among people, adult and children alike, about chess. Chess is a ‘game of life’, everybody should play the game. To realize that dream, we started organizing chess classes, workshops, camps, and tournaments. We work with schools, individuals, organizations and mainly parents.  We would not have come up with all these creative ideas without our ‘sifu’, Elango Thiyagu’s and Ms.Go (Gomathy Narayanan of Mutiara Power Packed Program) guidance and involvement. Recently, I represented Malaysia in the 2013 Pre-Sea Games in Myanmar, coming home with one Gold Medal, one Silver Medal and one Bronze Medal. Never in my wildest dream had I ever dreamed of achieving this success!   I will always be grateful to ET Ideas and ‘sifu’ for pulling out all the stops in my life and make me realize that I can also be somebody in my life if I focus on what my heart truly wants through the practice of the Seven Basic Laws of Nature.


Selvi Shanmugam, Founder, GOSA
Trainer, Generation of Sagacious Art (GOSA)

“I love kids and I love teaching. But I didn’t know how to go about it. When ‘sifu’, Elango Thiyagu saw that my passion to teach and work among children can be made into a profitable business, GOSA was created about six years ago to realize that purpose. Since then, I never look back to my old life which had no direction or purpose. Now, through GOSA, we create awareness in children about the latent creative power in them through classes, workshops and also personal coaching. We teach them about Nature’s Law and living life the way their heart guide them. ET Ideas has provided all the ideas and opportunities for GOSA to grow. GOSA would not have come this far if not for this support and guidance. Life suddenly has so much meaning these days and that’s a truly wonderful feeling to keep going and achieving!”


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